Here are 5 things we thought worth sharing about America during 9/11:

Here are 5 things we thought worth sharing about America during 9/11:

  • 9/11/2001 – A tragic event that united a country. Click here to view some of the items scavenged from the rubble
  • For a reminder or better understanding of what happened in the air that day, the movie, United 93 gives a “based on real events” story. Here’s the trailer.

  • If you’re even more interested, the book Falling Man is one of the only successful fictional based books written about 9/11.
  • For Artwork this newsletter I’m referencing the actual memorial itself. If you haven’t been there before, definitely make it on your list to tour NYC. The symbolic art is moving, and there’s nothing like it to sell online.
  • Story of a survivor: Listen to Clarence Singleton, Ladder 12 of the FDNY’s experience in 9/11, and how he’s replaced fear with hope.

“When people stop remembering us, that’s when we truly perish”

Clarence Singleton

Are you a survivor? Or did you lose someone in 9/11? We want to remember this and the fight we made together following. Reply to this email if you’d like to share.

We hope this finds you well,

-The AFP Team

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