5 Ways to Express Patriotism

5 ways to express patriotism

What does it really mean to be patriotic? Or to express patriotism? The definition of patriotism is having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country. Is expressing patriotism too loose of a term? As a citizen of a country, isn’t it the individual’s duty to be patriotic? They owe that to their country because it’s their home where they have freedom, rights, and opportunities to prosper. Being patriotic isn’t a difficult task, and should be done out of love and pride for their country and for those that have fought for it. Here are a few simple ways to express patriotism:

1. Salute the American Flag and know the Pledge of Allegiance

The flag represents the United States of America and our land. It has every battle, soul, and song sung to keep this country, embedded in it. By saluting the flag you show your respect and gratitude to those that made our lives possible. The pledge of allegiance represents your allegiance to America.

2. Post an American Flag outside your home on Federal Holidays

By placing an American Flag outside your home you are showing your respect to your country, veterans, and those that are currently serving our country. It also creates a “tribe”. When a whole community is involved, and the streets are lined with flags on the Fourth of July, it’s something special.

3. Vote

Be an active citizen in your country’s decisions. One vote might not seem like it makes a difference but numbers makes the difference and we the people, are the difference.

4. Develop Empathy

The beauty of America is it’s freedom and opportunity. Everyone here is going through life with different challenges and backgrounds. Before you judge, criticize, or accuse, put yourself in that person’s shoes. Be a friend, forgive, understand, and think before you speak. Yes, being a friend is patriotic, because this is all our home.

5. Continuously educate yourself on America’s history

Independence Hall, Philadelphia

For those that were born Americans, you were raised learning all about this nation’s history in your primary education. Don’t forget the battles, our country’s past presidents, their purpose, and the freedom they fought for. This country was built from our founding fathers and remembering their values and their purpose helps us feel more connected to our country’s purpose today. For those that are not native, get to know the ground you stand on. You’ll feel more connected to the people, culture, and country.

There are obviously other ways that you can express patriotism to our country, but these are some great ones to start off with. How are you showing your love and gratitude to your country?

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